Monday, January 9, 2012

That awful moment when you realize....

This morning I decided to put a little bit of effort into my outfit.  Inspired by my FAVORITE blogger Wendy from wendyslookbook,  I rolled up my cords, put a sweater over a tank and belted the sweater.  I pulled it together with a jacket.  Since I haven't had many work days I haven't had many opportunities to get dressed up.  As I was getting ready to walk out the door I by-passed the cute wedges I originally planned on wearing and justified my choice of footwear to "just going grocery shopping".  It wasn't until I was walking into Trader Joe's and I caught a glimpse of myself in my warm UGGS that I realized that I had indeed turned into my MOTHER!

You can only appreciate this if you know my mother and her questionable taste in clothes.  Comfort and warmth trumps fashion for Kim Thompson.

Tomorrow I will not make that mistake again.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Reason # 8,587 to be thankful for this year

So many great things have happened to us recently and for those of you who believe, it truly feels like a divine hand has been at work here.  Exactly one week ago last night my faith was tested as I drove Conrad to the Emergency Room wondering how all the great changes and all the recent opportunities would mean nothing if we were going to lose him.  And again, I know the prayers of my kids, the Quions for sure and mine were once again answered.  Even as I write this tonight I'm shaking realizing how we came so close to losing Conrad.  The crazy thoughts that went through my mind as I drove to the ER...I wondered how I would call South Africa and tell his do I come home to tell my kids....and as the ER doctor said, if we hadn't come in and had ignored the symptoms, Conrad wouldn't be here today enjoying the new career we had all been praying for.

Okay, enough!  He's fine and on the road to recovery.  We have even MORE to be grateful for this Christmas.

As you know,  Conrad's been traveling from San Diego to Portland, maintaining his SD business while spending as much time with us as he could squeeze in and at the same time looking for work.  (more about his new career in my next entry)  I personally think, with my extensive medical knowledge of course, that his condition is linked to his travels although the doctor felt the distance wasn't long enough.  Two weeks ago when he flew to SD he began to notice a pain in his groin area.  Conrad being Conrad, ignored it and just "carried on" (read with a Conrad accent).  By the time he returned to Portland on the 18th, 6 days later, he complained (in his non complaining way) of severe pain and he felt that there was swelling and noticeable hardness in his left calf.  Finally, after enduring the pain for one week now, which was last Monday (19th) I suggested he call our good friend, Mike who happens to be a doctor.  I was cleaning up after dinner and listened attentively to the conversation because I had a sneaking suspicion of what it was, (remember my extensive medical knowledge) I became alarmed when I heard Conrad say, "blood clot" and his reassurance to Mike that he would definitely go to the ER.  He got off the phone and about 10 minutes later we were headed to Kaiser.  We left two worried kids home alone because it would be late and I didn't want them there with us.   Although we tried to hide our concern - they knew something scary was up.

The nurse took one look at his leg and after a couple of questions said she thought it was a blood clot.  About 10 minutes later the ER doctor came in.  He asked if Conrad had any recent injuries (no, he hadn't), and any open infected areas, (ewwww and No).  He looked at the leg and said, "I'm pretty sure it's a blood clot so I've already ordered an ultra sound".  About a half hour later the ultra sound was completed and about 15 minutes later the doctor came in and confirmed that Conrad had DVT.  (For those of you who aren't as knowledgeable of medical terms :-) it stands for Deep Vein Thrombosis - google it - I first became aware of it when NBC's David Bloom DIED from this when he was with the troops in Iraq - since then I've always told Conrad to move during his international flights - I get all the medical knowledge I need from TV)

He was given an injectable (is that a word?) blood thinner and is on coumadine (sp?) another blood thinner. He's giving himself 2 shots a day, much like a diabetic does and taking coumadine once a day and will continue on that for 3 to 6 months.  The shots should last about two weeks.  Every other day he's having his blood drawn and if I were the jealous type, I'd worry about the personal conversations he's having with a nurse from Kaisers' Coumadine clinic who monitors his blood levels (??) (sorry that's the extent of my knowledge of his prognosis)

DVT if left untreated is FATAL.  In this regard, I'm burying my head in the sand because I don't want to know the details of how it happens technically.  All I know is that I'm so grateful for Mike :-) and I have to say, again, I love Kaiser.  I believe we were home by 10:30 that night.

Conrad is still in a lot of pain and limps around.  He feels best when he's lying down.  If you know him, that's the worst thing you can ask him to do, to sit still.  Because he's on blood thinners he has to be careful because there's a risk of his blood not clotting if he cuts himself or injures himself.  No skiing with us this season.  I don't think he realized the seriousness of his condition until AFTER the ultra sound.  I worried the whole time and even as the ER doctor explained what was happening I wanted to scream, "Okay!!!! OKAY!!! Can you put him on something NOW NOW NOW and stop telling us about DVT do something NOOOOOOOWW because what if it's too late Mr. Doctor with your fancy and detailed description of DVT - I don't need you to draw the size of his clot because don't you think he needs BLOOD THINNERS NOW - do you know who David Bloom is btw?????!!!!!!!"  Apparently there are some warning signs before that happens. :-) Phew!

There's so many differences between me and Conrad, obviously, but the biggest difference is how we handle things.  He's taken this in stride.  Hasn't felt sorry for himself, hasn't freaked out because he, ummm ... ALMOST DIED... and he's not milking it.  Man, I'd be all over this one.  "honey, can you cook dinner FOREVER because ... I almost died"  "honey, can I buy those cute shoes...because..I almost died".  No, not Conrad.  He's a trooper and I guess that balances my crazy self-centeredness out.

The kids know it was serious but we haven't shared much of the details.  He and I haven't really talked about the "what almost happened" with each other.  Last night while we were talking he happened to say off hand  "...I almost died" but continued on with his sentence as if to say, "I almost ordered the chef's salad..."

That's Conrad for you.

Monday, November 14, 2011

First's all about me, right?

Sean keeps asking me if I've updated our family blog and I keep saying, "No, not yet."  I guess I've been putting off my first "real entry" because I felt it should be something that introduces what this BLOG will be about or at the very least, that it should set the tone for what this BLOG will be about.  Truth is, I don't really know in which direction I will go, so I've been procrastinating.  And like my first couple of entries on Facebook, I wondered if people would really care.  Well, I guess if you've made the effort to come back to this page then you care a little.

So I decided I would share with you this email I wrote to two dear friends of mine who share the same crazy thoughts about motherhood that I do.  (You'll see what I mean when you read on)  I'm making this my first entry because ONE it gives you insight into the type of mother I am (crazy doesn't even begin to cover it) and TWO because it's also a story about a day in our life.  I think it's kinda funny.

Well, I live in this less than 1000 sq ft. apt. Cozy and new and SAFE. Last night my kids with my friend's 5 year old daughter were playing hide-and-go-seek INSIDE this teeny little apt. My friend and I were in the kitchen. Well the 3 kids managed to tear my sofa apart and made tents and forts and all sorts of hiding places, plus they had the rest of the house. My friend and I were talking and hanging out and kinda just ignoring the mess and noisiness around us. Olivia was "it" and after counting she came out to look for Sean and Emmi. I half notice that she's been calling their names and hasn't found them yet. (Mind you the elapsed time is probably about 10 seconds at the most) With this small apt. 10 seconds of not being able to find them is a long time. (LOL - yeah right) With it quiet I tune into the fact that Sean and Emmi have been missing for a good...oh, let's say...20 SECONDS!!??! Olivia is puzzled and searching and I tell my friend, "You know I always get paranoid when the kids play hide and go seek and they can't find the kids." We kinda glance around, then I proceed to share my crazy paranoid thoughts out loud. Like stories I remember hearing of kids suffocating in refrigerators because they hide there or suffocate in cars because they accidentally lock themselves in cars.

Keep in mind we're in an apartment with NO EXTRA fridge, I'm standing by the only FULL fridge in the house (Sean wouldn't fit anyway!!!) and there isn't a parked car to be found IN THE HOUSE! And the only exit is within our view, and no one has exited. (And no kidnapping pervert has entered either) I proceed to tell her that I always fear someone will suffocate or be in a horrible locked ???something??? Well I think my paranoia rubs off because WE JOIN IN calling for Sean and Emmi. My friend is all, "Emmi!... Emmi!" silence. We kinda look at each other going,..nah, they have to be okay. Instead of just carrying on with what we were doing as NORMAL moms might do, we BOTH call "SEAN! Emmi!" Sean comes out of the dark room with a frustrated and half angry/half laughing look (what kind of mother does he have after all!!) He laughs and comes all into my face and yells, (with a smile on his face) "Mommy!!!!!!" he's in my face and I love that he still calls me that btw. He yells, "Mommy! YOU RUINED THE BEST HIDING PLACE EVER!!!!" I'm laughing (but relieved) and he's in my face reassuring me, "I promise I will not EVER CRAWL into an empty refrigerator or any crazy hiding place!!!" I suppress my laugh because I know I"m ridiculous but at the same time relieved that he hasn't suffocated in the pillow forts he's built and that Emmi is safe too. I say, "Really, Sean? Really? Do you promise to be safe when you play?" He's laughing and frustrated and says, "YESSSSSSS!!!!" OMG he so knows that his mom is 100% crazy!

ROTFLMAO - You KNOW I win the crazy award. He's the size of most adults and I worry he's suffocating in pillows because he's somehow overloaded a good 5 or 6 of them on him????

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Good morning!

Today is the first day of our blog.  Sean and I are trying to work on the layout.